Creating Our Signature Bracelets

Creating Our Signature Bracelets

Choosing the Stones

I work with what is inspiring me. Since I do such a great deal of research, reading and exploration about crystals, whatever jumps out to me is what I will create a piece around. 

I then source my crystals and wood beads from ethical and eco conscious suppliers that work only with products collected from high quality mines all over the world.

Preparing the Stones

I first bless the beads to bring in their full potential energetically. Every stone I choose has unique properties and I call to those to set an intention for every strand of beads that enters my home. 

I spend time meditating or even sleeping with new stones to really understand the meanings behind then, and then I write the affirmation that comes with every bracelet.


Putting it all Together

I hand create every bracelet to order on a sturdy, stretchy cord. Every bracelet is made to order. I am thinking of you while creating your bracelet. I infuse the mantra and affirmation for that crystal into every bead as I string it into the piece and then finish each one with a specially selected finishing bead. 

A Special Reiki Touch

Reiki is a Japanese relaxation and stress relief technique. Every bracelet is infused with it before leaving my house, so you have all the energy of a reiki session with you every time you wear your bracelet. 

Your Affirmation 

Every bracelet comes with a card that has an affirmation on it to fit the stones. You can use this affirmation as a mantra every single day that you wear this bracelet and repeat it every time you slide it on your wrist. Every bead is made with the intention of that affirmation infused in every bead, as I string it onto your piece. 

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